Sunday, June 22, 2008

gLaM_QuEEn On The Application Of 3rd Party Certification Programme In Malaysia

3rd party certification programme plays a significant role in boosting our confidence when dealing with online transactions. With a trusted on-line environment, you will be able to transact on the Internet without fear of having your personal data stolen, your information contaminated by third parties, and your transacting party denying any commercial commitment with you. Further, it assists in the development of greater Internet based activities.



At the foundation of every electronic commerce transaction is trust between the buyer and seller. VeriSign is one of the most recognized trust marks on the Internet. It not only builds confidence in one's brand with online customers, its comprehensive approach to securing networks and Web sites helps one comply with security regulations and manage risk.

VeriSign provides Extended Validation SSL which gains customers' confidence with the green address bar. Extended Validation SSL gives Web site visitors an easy and reliable way to establish trust online. Only SSL Certificates with Extended Validation (EV) will trigger high security Web browsers to display a green address bar with the name of the organization that owns the SSL Certificate and the name of the Certificate Authority that issued it. The green bar shows site visitors that the transaction is encrypted and the organization has been authenticated according to the most rigorous industry standard.

VeriSign offers the strongest SSL encryption:-

-High-level encryption, at 128 bits, can calculate 288 times as many combinations as 40-bit encryption. That’s over a trillion times a trillion times stronger.

-Only True 128-bit SSL Certificates with Server Gated Cryptography (SGC) enable every site visitor to experience the strongest SSL encryption available to them.

-VeriSign is the leading SSL provider of SGC-enabled SSL Certificates, enabling 128- or 256-bit encryption for over 99.9% of Internet users.

Gaining customer confidence and protecting transactional data requires a layered approach to security at all points vulnerable to attack. The application of security technologies (3rd party certification) and services across business assets provides comprehensive protection for the consumer, brand, Web site, and network.

MSC Trustgate


MSC Trustgate is a licensed Certification Authority (CA) in Malaysia since 1999. It offers complete security solutions and leading trust services that are needed by individuals, enterprises, government, and e-commerce service providers using digital certificates, digital signatures, encryption and decryption. It teamed up with VeriSign Inc as a global
provider of various internet trust services.

It provides Digital Certificate :-

- Provides a mean of proving an identity in electronic transactions
e.g. company badge or passport does in face-to-face interactions

- Carries information between the covers

- Contains different parts, most important private keys and a public keys

- Certificates can be used in variety of variety of electronic transactions including
email, secure web-access, electronic commerce, groupware, and electronic funds transfer.

* ~ + gLaM_QuEEn + ~ *

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